Tel: +36 30 370 9476
2694 Magyarnándor, Kossuth út 6/A.
Registration number:
U - 000 374
VAT number: 11210904-2-12
Bank account:
IBAN: HU37 -
10103719 - 49638000 - 01000300
Bank name's: Budapest Bank
Welcome to the website of Nagyvad Hunting Ltd., the hunting-event organiser and travel agent for Hungary! I'd like to introduce myself, my agency and our activities a little bit closer:
There is no academic title next to my name, because at the time I wanted to enroll for university at the age of 18 - I definitely preferred hunting ground inspections, game feeding, setting up hunting structures and I accompanied many guest-hunters each year as a professional hunter. After having completed my game-management studies, I gradually climbed the steps of real-life hunt- and forest management. In 1986, I started as assistant game-keeper at a state run hunting ground (HM Forestry, Buják), later I became game-keeper, district manager and professional hunter. Today, I'm chairman of the Tókerti hunting company in Magyarnándor and manager and owner of the „Nagyvad Hunting - Hunting-Event and Travel Agency“. Over the last 23 years, I worked mainly in the areas of hunt- and game-management. My job satisfies my absolutely the best when the hunter expresses his satisfaction with the results and his/her experience after a hunt and when I perform the standard jobs of professional hunter. I always prefer personally congratulating a hunter accompanied by my colleague to a good shot - instead (as often the case) - sticking the traditional hit-break on my own hat.
I started this hunting-event business in January 2000 together with my father Nagy János and my brother Nagy Róbert. My regular guests a mostly old hunting friend as well as friends of their own. I haven not advertised so much - at least not in papers and magazines, since I definitely prefer the word-of-mouth advertising of satisfied hunting guests. Nevertheless, just to stay up-to-date and follow the signs of time - I decided to create an own webpage. It is an efficient and popular way of spreading and finding information. Good about this medium is also the fact that the hunters can check out (and also directly compare) which unusual and low-priced offers they find only with me.
In my position at the chairman of the „Tókerti Hunting Company“ managing 4.000 hectares in my native village of Magyarnándor - I got free hand to organise and conduct hunts. This enables make my old gamekeeper and childhood dream come true. They way leading to the fulfillment of my dreams is of course accompanied by many perfidies, but some excellent results achieved by correct game-management and assistance of my colleagues and hunting-partners - definitely justify our sleepless nights. One such significant quality improvement of the red-deer stock at Magyarnándor is, particularly in the successful compliance with the desired values. E.g. all six noble-stags sold in the rutting season 2007 won medals: 1 Gold medal with 11,03 kg and 218,08 points (an absolute record for the Nógrád county in 2007), 3 silver medals (two of them missed the gold closely by 1,0 - 2,5 IP points and 2 bronze medals. The success achieved in 2007 is definitely not unique here!
In the 21st century - expert-managed hunting grounds definitely do not guarantee wealth, unless you work against the interests of the game. Nevertheless, I can say that our hunting ground made me rich - not in material in financial terms, but rather in terms of spiritual wealth deep inside and the fulfillment of my childhood dreams. The supervising of the hunting ground I love so much - cheers me up and I hope that my hunting guests from abroad as well as my colleagues feel (and will feel) the same.
I maintain business contacts with approximately 50 Hungarian hunting grounds and I welcome also any additional offers, since I always look continuously for new hunting grounds for my significant and still growing clientele.
Have I attracted your interest in some of my topics? If I have, so don't hesitate to contact me! I would be happy to talk about it with you personally.
Good hunting!
Zoltán Nagy
Owner and manager Nagyvad Hunting Ltd.