New Ribbon
PC monitor, notebook   tablet   mobil, smartphone

Tel: +36 30 370 9476


2694 Magyarnándor, Kossuth út 6/A.

Registration number:
U - 000 374

VAT number: 11210904-2-12

Bank account:
IBAN: HU37 -
10103719 - 49638000 - 01000300


Bank name's: Budapest Bank



Hunting season: September 1. - February 28.

Moufflon ram according to the price list

I have often heard that the moufflon is a game each hunter should have at least one trophy of. I ought to say - that even all those being not physically fit to chase them in rocky-terrain can calm-down now. Even those lacking the necessary medical condition - need not hung their heads. I maintain contact with several such grounds, where the mouflon is hunted from raised-hides. The hunter often scores his shot within few days. Sporty hunt enthusiasts will always get their money's worth, since the forests of the northern low-mountain range offer excellent and extensive stalking opportunities. Since the mouflon is diurnal, our guest may hunt it all day long.

Trophäenlänge Preis (€) € / cm
- 59,99 cm 500 --------
60 cm 600 + 60
70 cm 1.200 + 100
80 cm 2.200 + 100
90 cm 3.200 + 150

Moufflon ewe and lamb: 60 € / animal

Additional costs

  • 30 days hunting license with liability insurance, organization fee
  • Accommodation with half board
  • Single bedroom extra charge
  • Kilometre-fee in the hunting ground
  • Attendance in the hunting ground
  • Airport transfer
  • Drinks
  • Trophy assessment
  • Accounting outside my hunting area
  • All other kind of bagged games, should be paid according to the price list


The average length of the horns, measured on the outer bow will serve as the basis for the invoicing.

Wounding: according to the price list, 50% of the shooting price, based on the average horn-length estimated by the professional hunter.